Professor of Biology
M.S. Fundação Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG) (2001)
Ph.D. Cornell University (2008)
Areas of Expertise
Evolutionary Genetics, speciation, landscape genetics
Evolution as Fact and Theory (not offered 2024/25)Scholarship/Creative Work
- CACCAVO, A., LEMOS, H., MAROJA, L.S., GONÇALVES, P.R. (2021). Does stress mess with rodents’ heads? Influence of habitat amount and genetic factors in mandible fluctuating asymmetry in South American water rats (Nectomys squamipes, Sigmodontinae) from Brazilian Atlantic rainforest remnants. Ecology and Evolution 11: 7080-7092 https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.7557
- HEGGESETH, B., SIM, D.*, PARTIDA, P.*, MAROJA, L.S. (2020). Influence of female cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) profile on male courtship behavior in two hybridizing field crickets Gryllus firmus and Gryllus pennsylvanicus. BMC Evolutionary Biology 20 : 21 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12862-020-1587-9
- Gainey D.P.*, Kim J.Y.*, Maroja L.S. (2018). Mapping reduced introgression loci to the X chromosome of the hybridizing field crickets, Gryllus firmus and G. pennsylvanicus. PLOS ONE.
- Yukilevich R., Maroja L.S.,Nguyen K., Hussain S.* & Kumaran P.* (2018). Rapid sexual and genomic isolation in sympatric drosophila without reproductive character displacement. Ecology and Evolution 00:1–16. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.3893
- Vencl F.V.,Luan X., Fu X. and Maroja L.S. (2017). A day-flashing Photinus firefly (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) from central Panamá: an emergent shift to predator-free space? Insect Systematics & Evolution DOI 10.1163/1876312X-48022162
- Nadeau N.J., Pardo-Diaz C., Whibley A., Supple M.A., Saenko S.V., Wallbank R.W.R., Wu G.C., Maroja L.S. Ferguson L., Hanlyj.J., Hines H., Salazar C., Merrill R.M., Dowling A.J., Ffrench-Constant R.H., Llaurens V., Joronm, Mcmillan W.O. & Jiggins C.D. (2016). The Gene Cortex Controls Mimicry And Crypsis In Butterflies And Moths Nature 534: 106-110. Doi:10.1038/Nature17961
- Davey J.W., Chouteau M., Barker S.L., Maroja L.S., Baxter S.W.,Simpson F., Joron M., Mallet J., Dasmahapatra K.K. & Jiggins C.D..(2016) Major Improvements To Theheliconius Melpomene Genome Assembly Used To Confirm 10 Chromosome Fusion Events In 6 Million Years Of Butterfly Evolution. G3: Genes, Genomes,Genetics, Doi:10.1534/G3.115.023655
- Dean D.M., Maroja L.S., Cottrill S.*, Bomkamp B.E.*, Westervelt K.A.*, & Deitcher D.L. (2015). The Wavy Mutation Maps To The Inositol 1,4,5-Trisphosphate 3-Kinase 2 (Ip3k2) Gene Of Drosophila And Interacts With Ip3r To Affect Wing Development. Genes, Genomes, Genetics, Doi: 10.1534/G3.115.024307
- Maroja L.S. Larson, E.L. Bogdanowicz, S.M. & Harrison R.G. (2015). Genes With Restricted Introgression In A Field Cricket (Gryllus Firmus/G. Pennsylvanicus) Hybrid Zone Are Concentrated On The X-Chromosome And A Single Autosome. Genes, Genomes, Geneticsdoi:10.1534/G3.115.021246
- Maroja L.S., Mckenzie Z.M*., Hart E.*, Jing J.*, Larson E. & Richardson R.D. (2014). Barriers To Gene Exchange In Hybridizing Field Crickets: The Role Of Male Courtship Effort And Cuticular Hydrocarbons. Bmc 14:65-75
- Singh T*., Edwards J. & Maroja L.S. (2014). Development And Characterization Of 10 Microsatellite Markers In Sagina Nodosa (L.) Fenzl (Caryophyllaceae). Applications In Plant Sciences 2(1): 1300064.
- Matheny H*., Edwards J. & Maroja L.S. (2013). High-Throughput Microsatellite Marker Development For The Distylous Herb Primula Mistassinica (Primulaceae). Applications In Plant Sciences: 1(8) 1300002. Doi: Http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.3732/Apps.1300002
- Maroja L.S., Alshuler R*., Mcmillan O. & Jiggins C. (2012). Partial Complementarity Of The Mimetic Yellow Bar Phenotype In Heliconius Butterflies. Plosone. 7(10): E48627. Doi:10.1371/Journal.Pone.0048627
- Maroja L.S. & Wilder J. (2012). Where Do I Come From? Using Student Mtdna To Teach About Phylogeny, Molecular Clocks And Population Genetics. Evolution Education And Outreach 5: 501–507
- Heliconius Genomic Consortium (2012). Butterfly Genome Reveals Promiscuous Exchange Of Mimicry Adaptations Among Species. Nature Doi:10.1038/Nature11041.
- Ferguson, L., Maroja L.S. & Jiggins C.D. (2011). Convergent, Modular Expression Of Ebony And Tan In The Mimetic Wing Patterns Of Heliconius Butterflies. Development, Genes And Evolution 221: 297-308
- Surridge A.K., Lopez-Gomollon S., Moxon S., Maroja L.S., Rathjen T., Nadeau N.J., Dalmay T. & Jiggins C.D. (2011). Characterisation And Expression Of Micrornas In Developing Wings Of The Neotropical Butterfly Heliconius Melpomene. Bmc Genomics 12: 62doi:10.1186/1471-2164-12-62
- Baxter S.W., Nadeau N., Maroja L.S., Wilkinson P., Counterman B., Dawson A., Beltran M., Perez-Espona S., Chamberlain N., Ferguson L., Clark R., Davidson C., Glithero R., Mallet J, Mcmillan W.O., Kronforst M., Joron M., Ffrench-Constant R.H. & Jiggins C.D. (2010). Genomic Hotspots For Adaptation: The Population Genetics Of Müllerian Mimicry In The Heliconius Melpomene Clade. Plos Genetics 6(2): E1000794. Doi:10.1371/Journal.Pgen.1000794
- Maroja L.S., Andrés J.A. & Harrison R.G. (2009). Genealogical Discordance And Patterns Of Introgression And Selection Across A Cricket Hybrid Zone. Evolution 63(11): 2999-3015.
- Maroja L.S., Andrés J.A., Walters J.R. & Harrison R.G. (2009). Multiple Barriers To Gene Exchange In A Field Cricket Hybrid Zone. Biological Journal Of The Linnean Society 97: 390-402.
- Maroja L.S., Clark M.E. & Harrison R.G. (2008). Wolbachia Plays No Role In The One-Way Reproductive Incompatibility Between The Hybridizing Field Crickets Gryllus Firmus And G. Pennsylvanicus. Heredity 101: 435-444.
- Andrés J.A., Maroja L.S. & Harrison R.G. (2008). Searching For Speciation Genes In The Proteomics Era: Seminal Proteins In Field Crickets. Proceedings Of The Royal Society Of London B 275: 1974-1983.
- Maroja L.S., Bogdanowicz S.M., Wallin K.F., Raffa K.F. & Harrison R.G. (2007). Phylogeography Of Spruce Beetles (Dendroctonus Rufipennis Kirby) (Curculionidae: Scolytinae) In North America. Molecular Ecology 16(12): 2560-2573.
- D’andrea, P. S., Gentile , R., Maroja, L. S., Fernandes, F. A., Coura, R. & Cerqueira, R. (2007). Small Mammal Populations Of An Agroecosystem In The Atlantic Forest Domain, Southeastern Brazil. Brazilian Journal Of Biology 67(1): 179-186.
- Andrés J.A., Maroja L.S., Bogdanowicz S.M., Swanson W. & Harrison R.G. (2006). Molecular Evolution Of Seminal Proteins In Field Crickets. Molecular Biology And Evolution 23(8): 1574-1584.
- Braswell, W.E, Andrés, J.A., Maroja L.S., Harrison, R.G., Howard, D.J. & Swanson, W.J. (2006). Identification And Comparative Analysis Of Accessory Gland Proteins In Orthoptera. Genome 84: 1-13.
- Almeida F.; Maroja, L.S.; Moreira, M. A. M.; Seuánez H. N. & Cerqueira, R. (2005) Populational Structure And Genetic Variability Of Mainland And Insular Populations Of The Neotropical Water Rat, Nectomys Squamipes. Genetics And Molecular Biology 28(4): 693-699.
- Maroja, L.S.; Almeida, F. & Seuánez H. (2003). Genetic Differentiation In Nearby Populations Of Nectomys Squamipes In The Atlantic Forest, Brazil. Genetics And Molecular Biology 26(4): 403-410.
- Maroja, L.S.; Almeida, F.; Seuánez H.; Cerqueira, R. & Moreira, M.M. (2003). Nectomys Squamipes Microsatellites And Homologous Loci In Sigmodontine Rodents. Journal Of Heredity 94(2): 171-174.
- Bonvicino, C.R.; Maroja, L.S.; De Oliveira, J.A.; Coura J.R. (2003). Karyology And Morphology Of Zygodontomys (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae) From The Brazilian Amazon, With A Molecular Appraisal Of The Phylogenetic Relationships Of The Genus. Mammalia 67(1): 119-131.
- Bonvicino, C.R. Lindbergh S. & Maroja L.S. (2002). Small Non-Flying Mammals From Conserved And Altered Areas Of Atlantic Forest And Cerrado: Comments On Their Potential Use For Monitoring Environment. Brazilian Journal Of Biology 62(4b): 1-12.
- Almeida, F.; Maroja, L.S.; Seuánez H.; Cerqueira, R. & Moreira, M.M. (2000). Identification Of Five Microsatellites In The Water Rat Nectomys Squamipes (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae). Molecular Ecology 9(12): 2172-2173.
- D´Andrea P.S.; Maroja, L.S.; Gentile, R.; Cerqueira, R & Maldonado, A. (2000). The Influence Of Schistosoma Mansoni On A Naturally Infected Population Of Nectomys Squamipes. Parasitology 120(6): 573-582.
- Gentile, R.; D’andrea, P.S.; Cerqueira, R. & Maroja, L.S. (2000). Population Dynamics And Reproduction Of Marsupials And Rodents In A Brazilian Rural Area: A Five-Year Study. Studies On Neotropical Fauna And Environment 35: 1-9.
(*denotes undergraduate author)
Awards, Fellowships & Grants
NSF-1650887. The importance of sex-chromosomes in
speciation: are genes that do not introgress concentrated on the X
chromosome? PIs: Maroja, LS. and Bogdanowicz S.
NSF-1655935. Phenotypic and genomic patterns of divergence across a young Drosophila species complex. PIs: Yukilevich, R. and Maroja, L.S.
Professional Affiliations
American Association of University Women
Society for the Study of Evolution
American Society of Naturalists
Research Interests
The primary research interest of the Maroja Lab is the evolution of barriers to gene exchange; that is, how does reproductive isolation evolve and how do lineages become eventually distinct? In particular, we are interested in understanding (1) the molecular and genetic basis of barriers to gene exchange in recently diverged species, and (2) the consequences of hybridization to recently diverged species and populations. The existence of recently diverged species that are still exchanging genes challenges our ability to understand the maintenance of species barriers. However, it also offers a unique opportunity to investigate gene flow and characterize genes important for species identity. It is this opportunity that forms the basis of our research interests. Understanding reproductive barriers is essential to understanding the maintenance of species boundaries in sexually reproducing organisms and thus why organisms fall into discrete clusters (i.e., species).