More information about courses can be found in the Biology Course Catalog. Courses offered in the 2022-23 academic year are indicated in blue (Fall) or green (Spring). Courses in gray will not be offered in 2022-23.
Fall | BIOL 101 The Cell | None |
Spring | BIOL 102 The Organism | BIOL 101 or permission of instructor |
Not Offered | BIOL 120 Biology Through The Media | None; may not be taken as credit towards the Biology major |
Not Offered | BIOL 133 Biology of Exercise and Nutrition | None; may not be taken as credit towards the Biology major |
Fall | BIOL 134 Biology and Social Issues | None; may not be taken as credit towards the Biology major |
Fall | BIOL 135 Evolution as Fact and Theory | None; may not be taken as credit towards the Biology major |
Fall | BIOL 202 Genetics | BIOL 101 and 102 |
Fall | BIOL 203 Ecology | BIOL 102, or ENVI 102, or permission of instructor |
Spring | BIOL 204 Animal Behavior | BIOL 102, or PSYC 101, or permission of instructor |
Spring | BIOL 205 Physiology | BIOL 101; open to first-year students only with permission of instructor |
Fall | BIOL 212 Neuroscience | PSYC 101 or BIOL 101; open to first-year students only with permission of instructor |
Not Offered | BIOL 219 Dangerous Exposures: Environment, Immunity, and Infectious Disease (Tutorial) | BIOL 101 and 102 |
Spring | BIOL 220 Field Botany and Plant Natural History | None |
Not Offered | BIOL 222 Essentials of Biochemistry | BIOL 101 and CHEM 156 (not open to students who have taken BIOl/CHEM/BIMO 321 and/or 322) |
Fall/Spring | BIOL 231 Marine Ecology (MYSTIC, does not fulfill 200-level requirement) | BIOL 101 or GEOS/MAST 104, or permission of instructor |
Not Offered | BIOL 234 Biology of our Sexes: The Genetic and Epigenetic Regulation of Sex Determination (Tutorial) | BIOL 202 (Genetics), or permission of instructor |
Fall | BIOL 297 Independent Study: Biology | None |
Spring | BIOL 298 Independent Study: Biology | None |
Not Offered | BIOL 302 Communities and Ecosystems | BIOL/ENVI 203 or 220 |
Spring | BIOL 305 Evolution | BIOL 202 |
Spring | BIOL 308 Integrative Plant Biology: Fundamentals and New Frontiers | BIOL 101 and BIOL 102, or permission of instructor |
Not Offered | BIOL 311 Neural Systems and Circuits | BIOL 212 or BIOL 205 |
Fall | BIOL 312 Sensory Biology | BIOL 101 and either BIOL 212/NSCI 201 or BIOL 205 |
Spring | BIOL 313 Immunology | BIOL 202 |
Not Offered | BIOL 315 Microbiology: Diversity, Cellular Physiology, and Interactions | BIOL 202 or 203 |
Spring | BIOL 319 Integrative Bioinformatics, Genomics, and Proteomics Lab | BIOL 202; students who have not taken BIOL 202 but have taken BIOL 101 and a CSCI course, or CSCI/PHYS 315, may enroll with permission of instructor. |
Fall | BIOL 321 Biochemistry I: Structure and Function of Biological Molecules | BIOL 101 and CHEM 251/255 and CHEM 155/256 |
Spring | BIOL 322 Biochemistry II: Metabolism | BIOL 101 and CHEM 251/255 or permission of instructor |
Fall | BIOL 326 Cellular Assembly and Movement | BIOL 202 or BIOL 212 or BIOL 222 |
Not Offered | BIOL 329 Conservation Biology | BIOL 203/ENVI 203, or BIOL 305, or permission of instructor |
Spring | BIOL 330 Genomes: Structure, Function, Evolution | BIOL 202 |
Not Offered | BIOL 335 Chronobiology | BIOL 205 or BIOL 212/NSCI201 |
Fall | BIOL 337 Evolutionary Ecology | BIOL 102, plus either BIOL 202 or BIOL 203 or equivalent |
Spring | BIMO 401 Topics in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | BIOL 202 and BIMO 321 |
Spring | NSCI 401 SEM Topics in Neuroscience | Open only to seniors in the Neuroscience program |
Not Offered | BIOL 402 Rapid Evolution in Ecology | BIOL 202 |
Spring | BIOL 407 Neurobiology of Emotion | BIOL212/NSCI201; open to juniors and seniors |
Not Offered | BIOL 410 Nanomachines in Living Systems | BIOL 202 recommended; open to juniors and seniors |
Not Offered | BIOL 411 Developmental Biology: From Patterning to Pathogenesis | BIOL 202 |
Not Offered | BIOL 412 Neural and Hormonal Basis of Hunger | BIOL 205 or BIOL/PSYC 212, or permission of instructor |
Not Offered | BIOL 413 Global Change Ecology | BIOL 203 or BIOL 305, or permission of instructor |
Fall | BIOL 414 Life at Extremes: Molecular Mechanisms | open to juniors and seniors who are Biology majors; all other students interested in this course should contact the professor; BIOL 202 recommended |
Not Offered | BIOL 417 Translational Immunology: From Bench to Bedside | BIOL 202; open to juniors and seniors |
Not Offered | BIOL 418 Signal Transduction to Cancer | BIOL 202 or permission of instructor |
Spring | BIOL 419 Secrets of Enzymes: Fidelity, Promiscuity, and Disease | BIOL 202 recommended; open to juniors and seniors |
Spring | BIOL 421 Thermoregulation: From Molecules to Organisms (Tutorial) | BIOL 205 or permission of instructor |
Not Offered | BIOL 425 Coevolution (Tutorial) | BIOL 203 or 305 |
Not Offered | BIOL 428 Forests of the Future–Understanding Global Change through ‘Big Science’ Experiments | BIOL203 (Ecology) or BIOL302 (Communities and Ecosystems) or BIOL329 (Conservation Biology) |
Not Offered | BIOL 430 Genome Sciences: At the Cutting Edge (Tutorial) | BIOL 202 recommended |
Not Offered | BIOL 432 Evolutionary Genetics | BIOL 202; open to juniors and seniors |
Fall | BIOL 435 Causes of the obesity epidemic | BIOL 205 or BIOL 212/NSCI 201 or Permission of Instructor. |
Not Offered | BIOL 454 Climate Change Physiology | BIOL 203 or BIOL 205, or permission of instructor |
Not Offered | BIOL 455 Neural Regeneration | BIOL 212/NSCI 201 or permission of instructor. |
Not Offered | BIOL 477 Evolution of Species Coexistence | BIOL/ENVI 203 |
Fall | BIOL 493 Senior Thesis Research: Biology | Thesis applications due early in the preceding semester |
Spring | BIOL 494 Senior Thesis Research: Biology | Thesis applications due early in the preceding semester |
Fall/Spring | BIOL 499 Biology Colloquium | None |