News & Announcements

Lisa Chu ’10 Publishes Paper

Lisa Chu ’10 just published a paper with Steve Swoap in the Journal of Thermal Biology.  This manuscript was from her thesis work, for which she shared the David Bruce award for top undergraduate poster at the Experimental Biology meetings in 2010.… Continue reading »

Steve Zottoli publishes paper with two students

Professor Steven Zottoli has published a paper with two student co-authors.   “Axon cap morphology of the sea robin (prionotus carolinus) mauthner cell is correlated with the presence of ‘signature’ field potentials and a C-type startle response.” Zottoli SJ, Wong TW, Agostini MA, Meyers JR.  J. Comp. Neurol., 2011… Continue reading »

Two Bio Students Win Award

Two of Professor Maroja’s students were awarded grants to travel to the Evolution 2011 meetings.  Zach McKenzie and Joy Jing were awarded the Undergraduate Diversity Grant to participate in the Evolution 2011 meeting!  This is a NSF funded award that provides travel funds and mentoring to 25 undergraduate students (open… Continue reading »

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